Civ 5 Mods Nexus

  1. Civ 5 Mods Nexus 1.12.2

As part of our Month of Mods in March, we asked our community to let us know about some of their favorite mods for Civilization V. By talking to the Redditors at. The best Civ mods range from total conversions—transforming historical Earth into the world of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire or Elder Scrolls' Tamriel—to tools that improve AI.

Units under the base game. For units with the Gods and Kings expansion enabled, please see this page.

ImageUnitCiv CS RS MovesRange Cost CostMM*ResourceTechObsolete TechEraUpgrade
( Cost)
Warrior624020017Metal CastingAncientSwordsman (80)
JaguarAztec624020021Metal CastingAncientSwordsman (80)Heals 2 hp when it kills an enemy; +50% combat strength in jungles; moves at double rate through forest
Maori WarriorPolynesia624020017Metal CastingAncientSwordsman (80)Decreases combat strength of adjacent enemies by 10%
Scout42251409Scientific TheoryAncientIgnores terrain cost
Archer46224020016ArcheryMachineryAncientCrossbowman (170)
BowmanBabylon68227532024ArcheryMachineryAncientCrossbowman (100)
SlingerInca26227031016ArcheryMachineryAncientCrossbowman (110)If an available tile is behind, has an 80% chance to withdraw to that tile when attacked by melee
Trireme6442562604SailingNavigationAncientFrigate (265)May not enter ocean tiles
Chariot Archer474256260241 HorseThe WheelChivalryAncientKnight (135)
War ChariotEgypt47525626025The WheelChivalryAncientKnight (135)
War ElephantIndia68327031027The WheelChivalryAncientKnight (110)
Spearman725626027Bronze WorkingCivil ServiceAncientPikeman (75)
HopliteGreece925626041Bronze WorkingCivil ServiceAncientPikeman (75)
ImmortalPersia825626033Bronze WorkingCivil ServiceAncientPikeman (75)Heals at double rate
Horseman10475390461 HorseHorseback RidingMetallurgyClassicalKnight (100)
Companion CavalryGreece12575390661 HorseHorseback RidingMetallurgyClassicalKnight (100)
Catapult5112275390391 IronMathematicsPhysicsClassicalTrebuchet (100)
BallistaRome5142275390551 IronMathematicsPhysicsClassicalTrebuchet (100)
Swordsman11275390441 IronIron WorkingGunpowderClassicalLongswordsman (100)
Mohawk WarriorIroquois1127539054Iron WorkingGunpowderClassicalLongswordsman (100)+50% combat strength in jungles and forests
LegionRome13275390561 IronIron WorkingGunpowderClassicalLongswordsman (100)Can build roads
Pikeman1029037047Civil ServiceRiflingMedievalRifleman (280)
LandsknechtGermany1024522047Civil ServiceRiflingMedievalRifleman (370)
Knight1831204601051 HorseChivalryMilitary ScienceMedievalCavalry (220)
Camel ArcherArabia101532120460691 HorseChivalryMilitary ScienceMedievalCavalry (220)
KeshikMongol81352165590661 HorseChivalryMilitary ScienceMedievalCavalry (130)
Naresuan’s ElephantSiam222120460141ChivalryMilitary ScienceMedievalCavalry (220)
Mandekalu CavalrySonghai1831204601051 HorseChivalryMilitary ScienceMedievalCavalry (220)No penalty vs cities
ConquistadorSpain1831655901051 HorseChivalryMilitary ScienceMedievalCavalry (130)No penalty vs cities; 2 extra sight; defensive embarkation; can settle
Crossbowman10152212046061MachineryRiflingMedievalRifleman (220)
Chu-Ko-NuChina10112212046039MachineryRiflingMedievalRifleman (220)Logistics promotion
LongbowmanEngland10152212046061MachineryRiflingMedievalRifleman (220)+1 range promotion
Trebuchet81622120460671 IronPhysicsChemistryMedievalCannon (140)
HwachaKorea82522120460104PhysicsChemistryMedievalCannon (140)
Longswordsman162120460781 IronSteelRiflingMedievalRifleman (220)
BerserkerDenmark183165700881 IronSteelRiflingMedievalRifleman (130)Amphibious promotion
SamuraiJapan162120460781 IronSteelRiflingMedievalRifleman (220)Shock promotion
Caravel1576212060013AstronomyCombustionRenaissanceDestroyer (520)
Turtle ShipKorea30124212060027AstronomyCombustionRenaissanceDestroyer (520)May not enter ocean tiles
Musketman16215054078GunpowderRiflingRenaissanceRifleman (160)
MinutemanAmerica16215054078GunpowderRiflingRenaissanceRifleman (160)Ignores terrain cost; drill promotion
MusketeerFrance202150540109GunpowderRiflingRenaissanceRifleman (160)
JanissaryOttoman16215054087GunpowderRiflingRenaissanceRifleman (160)Fully heals when it kills a unit; +25% combat strength when attacking
TercioSpain182155560116GunpowderRiflingRenaissanceRifleman (150)+100% vs mounted
Frigate301552185770401 IronNavigationCombustionRenaissanceDestroyer (390)
Ship of the LineEngland301752170720481 IronNavigationElectricityRenaissanceDestroyer (420)
Cannon132622185640120ChemistryDynamiteRenaissanceArtillery (280)
Lancer2241856401561 HorseMetallurgyCombustionRenaissanceAnti-Tank Gun (180)
SipahiOttoman2251856401661 HorseMetallurgyCombustionRenaissanceAnti-Tank Gun (180)Pillaging costs no movement points
Cavalry2532257401731 HorseMilitary ScienceCombustionRenaissanceTank (310)
CossackRussia2532257401731 HorseMilitary ScienceCombustionRenaissanceTank (310)+50% strength vs damaged units
Rifleman252225740153RiflingReplaceable PartsRenaissanceInfantry (200)
Norwegian Ski InfantryDenmark252220730217RiflingReplaceable PartsRenaissanceInfantry (210)Moves at double rate through tundra and snow
Ironclad351842270850501 CoalSteam PowerTelegraphIndustrialBattleship (220)May not enter ocean tiles
Anti-Tank Gun322270850277Replaceable PartsIndustrialHelicopter Gunship (320)
Infantry362320960265Replaceable PartsIndustrialMechanized Infantry (120)
Foreign LegionFrance362320960265Replaceable PartsIndustrialMechanized Infantry (120)+25% combat strength in foreign territory
Artillery163223320960164DynamiteIndustrialRocket Artillery (220)
Submarine2560533751090306RefrigerationIndustrialNuclear Submarine (110)
Battleship60324337510901151 OilTelegraphIndustrial
Anti-Aircraft Gun32223751090432RadioIndustrialMobile SAM (110)
Fighter402837510903221 OilFlightIndustrialJet Fighter (110)
ZeroJapan402837510903421 OilFlightIndustrialJet Fighter (110)Bonus vs fighters
Tank50537510905721 OilCombustionIndustrialModern Armor (110)
PanzerGermany60637510907941 OilCombustionIndustrialModern Armor (110)
Mechanized Infantry5033751090490ElectronicsModern
Bomber5021037510903571 OilRadarModernStealth Bomber (110)
B-17 BomberAmerica5021037510904011 OilRadarModernStealth Bomber (110)Siege promotion; evasion promotion
Mobile SAM40424251190743ComputersModern
Nuclear Submarine30706342511904541 Alum.ComputersModern
Helicopter Gunship50642511907551 Alum.RocketryModernIgnores terrain cost; can not capture cities; can go on mountains and ice
Rocket Artillery23463342511903921 Alum.RocketryModernNo setup before firing
Jet Fighter6021042511905811 Alum.LasersModern
Modern Armor805425119011581 Alum.LasersModern
Atomic Bomb210600155040001 Uran.Nuclear FissionModern
Missile Cruiser6025734251190951 Alum.RoboticsModern
Guided Missile6028150540232SatellitesModern
Stealth Bomber8022042511907061 Alum.StealthModern
Nuclear Missile2121000227040002 Uran.Advanced BallisticsModern
Giant Death Robot1503425119025541 Uran.Nuclear FusionFuture

*MM – Military Might is a number used for demographic and AI military strength determination. The base number provided here is increased by gaining levels and via gold available.

Top 10 Contents[]

  • Best Civilization 6 Mods

If you cannot imagine your life without building your powerful Civilization, you will like all the improvements which come with this game. Various fan modifications have always been an integral part of the success of the Civilization series. Those CIV 6 mods improve the interface, models, and textures, introduce new units, factions, and sometimes create new scenarios based on real historical events or popular fantasy universes.

The following description of the best Civilization 6 mods will give you better insight into their main characteristics. There are lots of options which will appeal to you. The conversions differ by making changes in the design of the game interface to adding new maps, military units, or production bonuses. By installing these, you will make the game more realistic and exciting. So, let's make your Civilization broader and more influential by enhancing the quality of the game with some improvements.


R.E.D. Modpack 2

One of the most popular Civilization VI mods returns to the new version of the game. The essence of this mod is simple: it reduces the size of combat units, so that huge giants don't run around the map, like in a cartoon. It makes the gameplay more realistic and convenient for developing your Civilization.

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A stylish interface is something that makes the game more enjoyable. Enjoy all of the modification with the design of the game with CQUI which is a must-have among CIV 6 mods. The Cityview, as well as Great Person panel, are renovated. Take a look at citizen management icons which make evaluating production info easier.


Yet Not Another Map Pack

This modification includes a detailed map of the Earth and correct locations for the fractions. Here Congo starts in Africa, China in Asia, and England - in the British Isles. These CIV VI mods give you the opportunity to build the 'right' empire of Vikings with Drakkars and sea raids on neighbors.

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Improved Water Yields

If you adore creating cities on the coastline or building great harbors, you will like these 'marine' CIV 6 mods. Moreover, by investing into the sea terrain, you will get bonuses such as additional food supply. The further you develop, the more precious bonuses you get.


Moar Units

These Civilization 6 mods include 14 unique, outstanding units, like archers on camels for Arabia, Cho-Ko-Nu - for China and so on. There are also unique units for the series: the cavalry squad for Russia, the Mughal cavalry for India, or the Equitas for the Romans.

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Production Queue

Finally, the long-awaited Production Queue is added with the help of new Civilization VI mods. Now you can trace the order which is placed on the left-upper side of the production interface. You can make any modifications by dragging and dropping the production queue. These changes improve the overall quality of the game.


PhotoKinetik (Westeros)

The aim of PhotoKinetik CIV VI mods is to make a better DOF. Bright colors are muted to make the game more similar to its previous version – CIV 5. This mod is created with the help of ReShade company which makes presets for lots of world-famous games.


Combat and Stacking Overhaul

The reduced costs for air and military land units, new combat values for anti-tank units, no need to build aerodrome for air units, bonuses for production – and it is only the beginning of the characteristics of these CIV 6 mods. You will like a new strategic policy of how production resources are used.


Better Trade Screen

Civ 5 mods nexus 1.12.2

Improve the convenience of your trade screen by installing these Civilization 6 mods. You will be able to see all possible routes, use new filtering and grouping functions, and just click on the recording route to return to the merchant in the city of origin. The game becomes more manageable with this mod.


Smoother Difficulty

Civ 5 Mods Nexus 1.12.2

If you are eager to make the gameplay more challenging, add some Smoother Difficulty by downloading Civilization VI mods. It makes the game more difficult by giving extra civilizations to your opponents. This may lead to your early military defeat. But if necessary, you can turn this function off.