Bullet Points In Bluebeam

Bluebeam is a robust suite of software for working with PDF documents in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries. These tips and tricks can help you use Bluebeam more effectively and become an expert at managing your projects in a paperless environment. I need to make a left curly bracket enclose three lines to the right of it. I hope this example will show correctly what I need: pool house bankbooks cat If it doesn't show correctly what I need is.

  1. Bullet Points In Bluebeam Pdf
  2. Bluebeam Autosize Text Box
  3. Bluebeam Rotate Text Box

A couple months back I posted a review about Bluebeam stating how much better the PDF editing document was for working on tax returns than the competing software. Revu, after reading the review, was kind enough to provide me with a new copy of Bluebeam, for which I am extremely grateful.

Since I’m in the middle of working on way too many state tax returns, and don’t have the time to continue on my tax tips at the moment, I thought I’d throw together a couple of Bluebeam tips (using version 12). While they are specifically for tax returns, I’m sure all of them can be used with other documents.

Let’s start out with the feature I use the most: changing text.

Most state tax returns are straight forward, adjusting a few numbers from the Federal return and calling it good. Other state tax returns were crafted in the bowels of hell by power hungry sadists. One of the latter returns is Pennsylvania. I’ve just printed the return to PDF from OneSource and have the return opened in Bluebeam.

While reading the filing instructions, I notice a couple errors. Since OneSource doesn’t trust their users, they no longer allow changes to the filing instructions in the software, so I’ll have to make the edits in Bluebeam.

Edit 1: Adding the company name to the top of the document

I’m working with multiple companies, and I want to make sure whoever processes the return doesn’t apply the wrong instructions to the wrong company. So I’m going to add the company name to the top of the instructions. This can be added either using the text box or the typewriter feature.

The only difference between these two options is that the text box allows you more font editing features up front, whereas the typewriter chooses a font by default.

I personally prefer the typewriter feature. To add the text, all you do is press the typewriter button (or use the W hotkey), click where you want to type, and then start typing:

Click the typewriter, click where you want to type, and start typing

If, after you’ve put the text down you don’t like the font, simply open up the side editing panel, click the gear box, and change the appearances:

Make sure you have the text you want to change selected, then make the changes in the right panel, including font, size, and color

And that’s it. You have the text at the top of your document.

Edit 2: Changing printed text

Bullet points in bluebeam pdf

The next feature is both awesome and dangerous. If the text printed to PDF isn’t correct, you can actually change the text in Bluebeam. It doesn’t work perfectly, which I believe is due to Bluebeam not always getting the font right, so you have to be careful using the feature. And I’ve seen people try to use it for evil, like changing the actual tax return document (had it ever made it to the state, the state would certainly not be happy). But it’s a nice feature when you have a typo or two.

To make this change, click on Edit->Content->Edit Text. You can then click on any text and edit it.

I apologize for my arrow looking terrible. I would use a better photo editing software than Paint, but. . .well, I’m not.

Note that this will not work scanned documents. Only text created through software, like Word or, in my case OneSource.

In my example, the address was slightly off, so I went ahead and changed it:

Edit 3: Whiting out information

Since the world isn’t perfect, sometimes the edits above don’t work, especially edit 2. For example, when I tried to change the date on this form, I got an error message and jumbled results. That happens surprisingly often. So let’s say I want to change the date, but the Text Editor isn’t working. What do you do? This is, by far, my favorite feature of Bluebeam. You just white it out.

The process is pretty simple, but it took us a while to figure it out. All you need to do is create a white shape and put it over the text. Then you’re free to use the feature in Edit 1 to type whatever you want.

I prefer the rectangle. So I click on the rectangle, set the box where I want.

If you use the standard rectangle, it’ll start as a nice red box around what you want to change. Just like with the text above, though, you can change this in the editing tab:

If you look over on the right, you’ll see that I changed both the Color and Fill Color to white, covering up my text. Now I can put whatever month I want over the original “September.”

(Important note: changing the PDF document does not change the actual due date. Just in case you hadn’t figure that out.)

Making in permanent

One problem I’ve had when working with Bluebeam is that not all the changes show up in Acrobat, which my coworkers are still forced to use. A couple times I’ve sent my masterpiece over only to receive complaints back that it looks wrong. If, however, you make the changes permanent, it will be embedded in the document, and everyone will see the same product.

To do this, select the edit you’ve made, right click, and press “Flatten.”

Once you do this, remember that you will not be able to change your work.

And that’s it. My document is perfect, and ready to be sent off to processing.

If you’ve liked this tip, I’ll be adding some more in the future. If you had any of your own, feel free to share below.

Wingdings character set and equivalent Unicode characters


Bullet Points In Bluebeam Pdf

Wingdings font should not be used in Web pages or in e-mails that will be viewed in a Web browser. Specifying Wingdings font is contrary to the published HTML specifications, has never been a documented feature of HTML and is not reliable.

This page is not a demonstration of how to use Wingdings font; it provides a warning of the problems that it causes, and shows how to use Unicode instead. Wingdings is not available on all computers, and so the intended characters may not appear on computers running non-Microsoft operating systems such as Mac OS 9, Mac OS X 10, Linux or Android. The same problems are found with the Webdings, Wingdings 2 and Wingdings 3 fonts – they should not be used in Web pages.


If you want to view a Web page that uses Wingdings characters, then you need to use the Internet Explorer browser; other browsers will probably show none or only some of the Webdings characters.

This page lists (and attempts to display) all of the 224 characters in the Wingdings font. It also lists (and attempts to display) the equivalent Unicode characters, where these exist.

The characters that appear in the Wingdings Character column of the following table are generated by the non-standard technique of specifying the Wingdings font, using <font face='Wingdings'>. It is possible that your combination of browser and operating system will show Wingdings characters, but browsers that conform to the published standards will demonstrate why Wingdings font should not be used in Web pages.

Bluebeam Autosize Text Box

The characters that appear in the Unicode Character column of the following table are generated from Unicode numeric character references, and so they should appear correctly in any Web browser that supports Unicode and that has suitable fonts available, regardless of the operating system.

CharacterDecHexPS NameCharacterDecHexNameRange
‘’320x20space‘’32U+0020SpaceBasic Latin
!330x21pencil🖉128393U+1F589Lower left pencilMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
'340x22scissors9986U+2702Black scissorsDingbats
#350x23scissorscutting9985U+2701Upper blade scissorsDingbats
$360x24readingglasses👓128083U+1F453EyeglassesMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
%370x25bell🕭128365U+1F56DRinging bellMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
&380x26book🕮128366U+1F56EBookMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
'390x27candle🕯128367U+1F56FCandleMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
(400x28telephonesolid🕿128383U+1F57FBlack touchtone telephoneMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
)410x29telhandsetcirc9990U+2706Telephone location signDingbats
*420x2Aenvelopeback🖂128386U+1F582Back of envelopeMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
+430x2Benvelopefront🖃128387U+1F583Stamped envelopeMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
,440x2Cmailboxflagdwn📪128234U+1F4EAClosed mailbox with lowered flagMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
-450x2Dmailboxflagup📫128235U+1F4EBClosed mailbox with raised flagMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
.460x2Emailbxopnflgup📬128236U+1F4ECOpen mailbox with raised flagMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
/470x2Fmailbxopnflgdwn📭128237U+1F4EDOpen mailbox with lowered flagMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
0480x30folder📁128193U+1F4C1File folderMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
1490x31folderopen📂128194U+1F4C2Open file folderMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
2500x32filetalltext1📄128196U+1F4C4Page facing upMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
3510x33filetalltext🗏128463U+1F5CFPageMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
4520x34filetalltext3🗐128464U+1F5D0PagesMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
5530x35filecabinet🗄128452U+1F5C4File cabinetMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
6540x36hourglass8987U+231BHourglassMiscellaneous Technical
7550x37keyboard🖮128430U+1F5AEWired keyboardMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
8560x38mouse2button🖰128432U+1F5B0Two button mouseMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
9570x39ballpoint🖲128434U+1F5B2TrackballMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
:580x3Apc🖳128435U+1F5B3Old personal computerMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
;590x3Bharddisk🖴128436U+1F5B4Hard diskMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
<600x3Cfloppy3🖫128427U+1F5ABWhite hard shell floppy diskMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
=610x3Dfloppy5🖬128428U+1F5ACSoft shell floppy diskMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
>620x3Etapereel9991U+2707Tape driveDingbats
?630x3Fhandwrite9997U+270DWriting handDingbats
@640x40handwriteleft🖎128398U+1F58ELeft writing handMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
A650x41handv9996U+270CVictory handDingbats
B660x42handok👌128076U+1F44COK hand signMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
C670x43thumbup👍128077U+1F44DThumbs up signMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
D680x44thumbdown👎128078U+1F44EThumbs down signMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
E690x45handptleft9756U+261CWhite left pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols
F700x46handptright9758U+261EWhite right pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols
G710x47handptup9757U+261DWhite up pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols
H720x48handptdown9759U+261FWhite down pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols
I730x49handhalt🖐128400U+1F590Raised hand with fingers splayedMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
J740x4Asmileface9786U+263AWhite smiling faceMiscellaneous Symbols
K750x4Bneutralface😐128528U+1F610Neutral faceEmoticons
L760x4Cfrownface9785U+2639White frowning faceMiscellaneous Symbols
M770x4Dbomb💣128163U+1F4A3BombMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
N780x4Eskullcrossbones9760U+2620Skull and crossbonesMiscellaneous Symbols
O790x4Fflag🏳127987U+1F3F3Waving white flagMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
P800x50pennant🏱127985U+1F3F1White pennantMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
R820x52sunshine9788U+263CWhite sun with raysMiscellaneous Symbols
S830x53droplet💧128167U+1F4A7DropletMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
U850x55crossoutline🕆128326U+1F546White Latin crossMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
V860x56crossshadow10014U+271EShadowed white Latin crossDingbats
W870x57crossceltic🕈128328U+1F548Celtic crossMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
X880x58crossmaltese10016U+2720Maltese crossDingbats
Y890x59starofdavid10017U+2721Star of DavidDingbats
Z900x5Acrescentstar9770U+262AStar and crescentMiscellaneous Symbols
[910x5Byinyang9775U+262FYin YangDingbats
920x5Com2384U+0950Devanagari OmDevanagari
]930x5Dwheel9784U+2638Wheel of DharmaMiscellaneous Symbols
^940x5Earies9800U+2648AriesMiscellaneous Symbols
_950x5Ftaurus9801U+2649TaurusMiscellaneous Symbols
`960x60gemini9802U+264AGeminiMiscellaneous Symbols
a970x61cancer9803U+264BCancerMiscellaneous Symbols
b980x62leo9804U+264CLeoMiscellaneous Symbols
c990x63virgo9805U+264DVirgoMiscellaneous Symbols
d1000x64libra9806U+264ELibraMiscellaneous Symbols
e1010x65scorpio9807U+264FScorpioMiscellaneous Symbols
f1020x66saggitarius9808U+2650SagittariusMiscellaneous Symbols
g1030x67capricorn9809U+2651CapricornMiscellaneous Symbols
h1040x68aquarius9810U+2652AquariusMiscellaneous Symbols
i1050x69pisces9811U+2653PiscesMiscellaneous Symbols
j1060x6Aampersanditlc🙰128624U+1F670Script ligature et ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
k1070x6Bampersandit🙵128629U+1F675Swash ampersand ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
l1080x6Ccircle69679U+25CFBlack circleGeometric Shapes
m1090x6Dcircleshadowdwn🔾128318U+1F53ELower right shadowed white circleMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
n1100x6Esquare69632U+25A0Black squareGeometric Shapes
o1110x6Fbox39633U+25A1White squareGeometric Shapes
p1120x70box4🞐128912U+1F790Bold white squareGeometric Shapes Extended
q1130x71boxshadowdwn10065U+2751Lower right shadowed white squareDingbats
r1140x72boxshadowup10066U+2752Upper right shadowed white squareDingbats
s1150x73lozenge411047U+2B27Black medium lozengeMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
t1160x74lozenge610731U+29EBBlack lozengeMiscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
u1170x75rhombus69670U+25C6Black diamondGeometric Shapes
v1180x76xrhombus10070U+2756Black diamond minus white XDingbats
w1190x77rhombus411045U+2B25Black medium diamondMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
x1200x78clear8999U+2327X in a rectangle boxMiscellaneous Technical
y1210x79escape11193U+2BB9Up arrowhead in a rectangle boxMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
z1220x7Acommand8984U+2318Place of interest signMiscellaneous Symbols
{1230x7Brosette🏵127989U+1F3F5RosetteMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
|1240x7Crosettesolid🏶127990U+1F3F6Black rosetteMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
}1250x7Dquotedbllftbld🙶128630U+1F676Sans-serif heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
~1260x7Equotedblrtbld🙷128631U+1F677Sans-serif heavy double comma quotation mark ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
1280x80zerosans9450U+24EACircled digit zeroEnclosed Alphanumerics
1290x81onesans9312U+2460Circled digit oneEnclosed Alphanumerics
1300x82twosans9313U+2461Circled digit twoEnclosed Alphanumerics
ƒ1310x83threesans9314U+2462Circled digit threeEnclosed Alphanumerics
1320x84foursans9315U+2463Circled digit fourEnclosed Alphanumerics
1330x85fivesans9316U+2464Circled digit fiveEnclosed Alphanumerics
1340x86sixsans9317U+2465Circled digit sixEnclosed Alphanumerics
1350x87sevensans9318U+2466Circled digit sevenEnclosed Alphanumerics
ˆ1360x88eightsans9319U+2467Circled digit eightEnclosed Alphanumerics
1370x89ninesans9320U+2468Circled digit nineEnclosed Alphanumerics
Š1380x8Atensans9321U+2469Circled number tenEnclosed Alphanumerics
1390x8Bzerosansinv9471U+24FFNegative circled digit zeroEnclosed Alphanumerics
Œ1400x8Conesansinv10102U+2776Dingbat negative circled digit oneDingbats
1410x8Dtwosansinv10103U+2777Dingbat negative circled digit twoDingbats
Ž1420x8Ethreesansinv10104U+2778Dingbat negative circled digit threeDingbats
1430x8Ffoursansinv10105U+2779Dingbat negative circled digit fourDingbats
1440x90fivesansinv10106U+277ADingbat negative circled digit fiveDingbats
1450x91sixsansinv10107U+277BDingbat negative circled digit sixDingbats
1460x92sevensansinv10108U+277CDingbat negative circled digit sevenDingbats
1470x93eightsansinv10109U+277DDingbat negative circled digit eightDingbats
1480x94ninesansinv10110U+277EDingbat negative circled digit nineDingbats
1490x95tensansinv10111U+277FDingbat negative circled number tenDingbats
1500x96budleafne🙢128610U+1F662North east pointing budOrnamental Dingbats
1510x97budleafnw🙠128608U+1F660North west pointing budOrnamental Dingbats
˜1520x98budleafsw🙡128609U+1F661South west pointing budOrnamental Dingbats
1530x99budleafse🙣128611U+1F663South east pointing budOrnamental Dingbats
š1540x9Avineleafboldne🙞128606U+1F65EHeavy north east pointing vine leafOrnamental Dingbats
1550x9Bvineleafboldnw🙜128604U+1F65CHeavy north west pointing vine leafOrnamental Dingbats
œ1560x9Cvineleafboldsw🙝128605U+1F65DHeavy south west pointing vine leafOrnamental Dingbats
1570x9Dvineleafboldse🙟128607U+1F65FHeavy south east pointing vine leafOrnamental Dingbats
ž1580x9Ecircle2·183U+00B7Middle dotLatin-1 Supplement
Ÿ1590x9Fcircle48226U+2022BulletGeneral Punctuation
1600xA0square29642U+25AABlack small squareGeometric Shapes
¡1610xA1ring29898U+26AAMedium white circleMiscellaneous Symbols
¢1620xA2ring4🞆128902U+1F786Heavy large circleGeometric Shapes Extended
£1630xA3ring6🞈128904U+1F788Very heavy white circleGeometric Shapes Extended
¤1640xA4ringbutton29673U+25C9FisheyeGeometric Shapes
¥1650xA5target9678U+25CEBullseyeGeometric Shapes
¦1660xA6circleshadowup🔿128319U+1F53FUpper right shadowed white circleMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
§1670xA7square49642U+25AABlack small squareGeometric Shapes
¨1680xA8box29723U+25FBWhite medium squareGeometric Shapes
©1690xA9tristar2🟂128962U+1F7C2Three pointed black starGeometric Shapes Extended
ª1700xAAcrosstar210022U+2726Black four pointed starDingbats
«1710xABpentastar29733U+2605Black starMiscellaneous Symbols
¬1720xAChexstar210038U+2736Six pointed black starDingbats
­1730xADoctastar210036U+2734Eight pointed black starDingbats
®1740xAEdodecastar310041U+2739Twelve pointed black starDingbats
¯1750xAFoctastar410037U+2735Eight pointed pinwheel starDingbats
°1760xB0registersquare11216U+2BD0Square position indicatorMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
±1770xB1registercircle8982U+2316Position indicatorMiscellaneous Technical
²1780xB2cuspopen10209U+27E1White concave-sided diamondMiscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
³1790xB3cuspopen18977U+2311Square lozengeMiscellaneous Technical
´1800xB4query11217U+2BD1Uncertainty signMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
µ1810xB5circlestar10026U+272ACircled white starDingbats
1820xB6starshadow10032U+2730Shadowed white starDingbats
·1830xB7oneoclock🕐128336U+1F550Clock face one oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
¸1840xB8twooclock🕑128337U+1F551Clock face two oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
¹1850xB9threeoclock🕒128338U+1F552Clock face three oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
º1860xBAfouroclock🕓128339U+1F553Clock face four oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
»1870xBBfiveoclock🕔128340U+1F554Clock face five oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
¼1880xBCsixoclock🕕128341U+1F555Clock face six oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
½1890xBDsevenoclock🕖128342U+1F556Clock face seven oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
¾1900xBEeightoclock🕗128343U+1F557Clock face eight oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
¿1910xBFnineoclock🕘128344U+1F558Clock face nine oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
À1920xC0tenoclock🕙128345U+1F559Clock face ten oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Á1930xC1elevenoclock🕚128346U+1F55AClock face eleven oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Â1940xC2twelveoclock🕛128347U+1F55BClock face twelve oclockMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Ã1950xC3arrowdwnleft111184U+2BB0Ribbon arrow down leftMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ä1960xC4arrowdwnrt111185U+2BB1Ribbon arrow down rightMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Å1970xC5arrowupleft111186U+2BB2Ribbon arrow up leftMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Æ1980xC6arrowuprt111187U+2BB3Ribbon arrow up rightMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ç1990xC7arrowleftup111188U+2BB4Ribbon arrow left upMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
È2000xC8arrowrtup111189U+2BB5Ribbon arrow right upMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
É2010xC9arrowleftdwn111190U+2BB6Ribbon arrow left downMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ê2020xCAarrowrtdwn111191U+2BB7Ribbon arrow right downMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ë2030xCBquiltsquare2🙪128618U+1F66ASolid quilt square ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
Ì2040xCCquiltsquare2inv🙫128619U+1F66BSolid quilt square ornament in black squareOrnamental Dingbats
Í2050xCDleafccwsw🙕128597U+1F655Turned south west pointing leafOrnamental Dingbats
Î2060xCEleafccwnw🙔128596U+1F654Turned north west pointing leafOrnamental Dingbats
Ï2070xCFleafccwse🙗128599U+1F657Turned south east pointing leafOrnamental Dingbats
Ð2080xD0leafccwne🙖128598U+1F656Turned north east pointing leafOrnamental Dingbats
Ñ2090xD1leafnw🙐128592U+1F650North west pointing leafOrnamental Dingbats
Ò2100xD2leafsw🙑128593U+1F651South west pointing leafOrnamental Dingbats
Ó2110xD3leafne🙒128594U+1F652North east pointing leafOrnamental Dingbats
Ô2120xD4leafse🙓128595U+1F653South east pointing leafOrnamental Dingbats
Õ2130xD5deleteleft9003U+232BErase to the leftMiscellaneous Technical
Ö2140xD6deleteright8998U+2326Erase to the rightMiscellaneous Technical
×2150xD7head2left11160U+2B98Three-D top-lighted leftwards equilateral arrowheadMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ø2160xD8head2right11162U+2B9AThree-D top-lighted rightwards equilateral arrowheadMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ù2170xD9head2up11161U+2B99Three-D right-lighted upwards equilateral arrowheadMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ú2180xDAhead2down11163U+2B9BThree-D left-lighted downwards equilateral arrowheadMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Û2190xDBcircleleft11144U+2B88Leftwards black circled white arrowMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ü2200xDCcircleright11146U+2B8ARightwards black circled white arrowMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ý2210xDDcircleup11145U+2B89Upwards black circled white arrowMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Þ2220xDEcircledown11147U+2B8BDownwards black circled white arrowMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
ß2230xDFbarb2left🡨129128U+1F868Wide-headed leftwards barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
à2240xE0barb2right🡪129130U+1F86AWide-headed rightwards barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
á2250xE1barb2up🡩129129U+1F869Wide-headed upwards barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
â2260xE2barb2down🡫129131U+1F86BWide-headed downwards barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
ã2270xE3barb2nw🡬129132U+1F86CWide-headed north west barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
ä2280xE4barb2ne🡭129133U+1F86DWide-headed north east barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
å2290xE5barb2sw🡯129135U+1F86FWide-headed south west barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
æ2300xE6barb2se🡮129134U+1F86EWide-headed south east barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
ç2310xE7barb4left🡸129144U+1F878Wide-headed leftwards heavy barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
è2320xE8barb4right🡺129146U+1F87AWide-headed rightwards heavy barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
é2330xE9barb4up🡹129145U+1F879Wide-headed upwards heavy barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
ê2340xEAbarb4down🡻129147U+1F87BWide-headed downwards heavy barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
ë2350xEBbarb4nw🡼129148U+1F87CWide-headed north west heavy barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
ì2360xECbarb4ne🡽129149U+1F87DWide-headed north east heavy barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
í2370xEDbarb4sw🡿129151U+1F87FWide-headed south west heavy barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
î2380xEEbarb4se🡾129150U+1F87EWide-headed south east heavy barb arrowSupplemental Arrows-C
ï2390xEFbleft8678U+21E6Leftwards white arrowArrows
ð2400xF0bright8680U+21E8Rightwards white arrowArrows
ñ2410xF1bup8679U+21E7Upwards white arrowArrows
ò2420xF2bdown8681U+21E9Downwards white arrowArrows
ó2430xF3bleftright11012U+2B04Left right white arrowMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
ô2440xF4bupdown8691U+21F3Up down white arrowArrows
õ2450xF5bnw11008U+2B00North east white arrowMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
ö2460xF6bne11009U+2B01North west white arrowMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
÷2470xF7bsw11011U+2B03South west white arrowMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
ø2480xF8bse11010U+2B02South east white arrowMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
ù2490xF9bdash1🢬129196U+1F8ACWhite arrow shaft width oneSupplemental Arrows-C
ú2500xFAbdash2🢭129197U+1F8ADWhite arrow shaft width two thirdsSupplemental Arrows-C
û2510xFBxmarkbld🗶128502U+1F5F6Ballot bold script XMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
ü2520xFCcheckbld10004U+2714Heavy check markDingbats
ý2530xFDboxxmarkbld🗷128503U+1F5F7Ballot box with bold script XMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
þ2540xFEboxcheckbld🗹128505U+1F5F9Ballot box with bold checkMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
ÿ2550xFFwindowslogo(Windows logo – no equivalent)

Copyright © 2003–2018 Alan Wood
Created 26th August 2003 Last modified 9th February 2018
Send comments or questions to Alan Wood

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