Revenge Of The Sith Script

  1. Star Wars Episode 6 Script
  2. Duel On Mustafar | Wookieepedia | Fandom
  3. See Full List On

quote='db'Cage Match like on the World Wrestling Federation.grudge match, etc. Only with Lightsabers!/quote I know what a cage match is - I was just confused since I don't remember any cages in the movie:wink. Script from Revenge Of the Sith translated from English into ChineseHungarianDutchSpanishHawaiianEnglish (Oc) Obi-Wan: I have failed you, Anakin. I even learned thoughts. Revenge Of The Sith Script - denverfasr.

  • Revenge Of The Sith Script - denverfasr.
  • Obi-Wan: R2, locate the Chancellor. The Chancellor isn't in this hangar, we have to move on! These droids don't quit! Watch those canisters! Try mixing light and heavy attacks. Anakin: Thanks for the tip! Obi-Wan: I'll never get tired of this. Battle Droid: Visual contact with enemy. Drop your weapon! Anakin: Ah - much better! Battle Droid: Fire! Anakin: These droids again? Obi-Wan: Use the.

The most successful franchise ever, George Lucas’ Star Wars:

  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope script
  • Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back script
  • Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi script
  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace script
  • Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones script
  • Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith script

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Lock on him R2. Master, General Grievous's ship is directly ahead- the one crawling with vulture droids.

Revenge of the sith scripts

I see it. Oh, this is going to be easy. Oddball, do you copy?

Copy, Red Leader.

Mark my position. Form your squad up behind me.

We're on your tail, General Kenobi. Set S-foils in attack position.

This is where the fun begins.

Obi- Wan:
Let them pass between us.

They're all over me.

- Get them off my-

- I'm gonna go help them out.

No. They are doing theirjob

so we can do ours.

Missiles. Pull up.

- They overshot us.

- They're coming around.

All right, R4. No, no.

Nothing too fancy.

Surge all power units, R2.

Stand by reverse thrusters.

We got 'em, R2.

Flying is for droids.

- I'm hit. Anakin?

- I see them.

Buzz droids.

R4, be careful. You have a-

Oh, dear.

They're shutting down

all the controls.

Move to the right so I can

get a clear shot at them.

The mission.

Get to the command ship.

Get the chancellor.

I'm running out of tricks here.

Revenge of the sith script anakin vs obi wan

In the name of-

- Hold your fre! You're not helping.

- I agree. Bad idea.

I can't see a thing.

My cockpit's fogging.

They're all over me. Anakin!

- Move to the right.

- Hold on. You'll get us both killed.

Get out of here.

There's nothing more you can do.

I'm not leaving

without you, Master.

Get him, R2.

Watch out.

R2, hit the buzz droid's centre eye.

- Yeah, you got him!

- Great, R2.

The general's command ship

is dead ahead.

Have you noticed

the shields are still up?

Sorry, Master.

I have a bad feelingabout this.

There they are. Get them.

R2, locate the chancellor.

The chancellor's signal

is coming from right there-

the observation platform

at the top of that spire.

I senseCount Dooku.

- I sense a trap.

- Next move?

Spring the trap.

R2, go back.

I need you to stay with the ship.

Here. Take this

and wait for orders.

What's the situation, Captain?

Two Jedi have landed in the main

hangar bay. We're tracking them.

Just as CountDooku predicted.


Drop your weapons.


I said drop 'em.

- Roger.

Star Wars Episode 6 Script

- Roger, roger.

Those are Jedi fghters all right.

- Did you press the stop button?

- No. Did you?

There's more than

one way out of here.

We don't want to get out.

We want to get moving.

R2, activateelevator 31174.

- Come in, R2.

- What that?

R2, do you copy?

R2, activate

the elevatornumber 31174.

Get back to work. That nothin'.

Activate the elevator 31174.


Always on the move.

R2, switch on the comlink.

R2, can you hear me?


R2! R2!

Stop. Stop.

R2, we need to be going up.

Hands up, Jedi.

R2, do you copy?

R2, do you hear me?

R2, we need to be going up, not down.

Hey, you!

That's better.

You stupidlittleastro droid.

Oh, it's you.

My eyes! My eyes!

- What was that all about?

- R2 has been-

- No loose wire jokes.

- Did I say anything?

- He's trying.

- I didn't say anything.

- Chancellor.

- Are you all right?

Count Dooku.

- This time we will do it together.

- I was about to say that.

Get help. You're no match for him.

He's a Sith lord.

Chancellor Palpatine,

Sith lords are our speciality.

Duel On Mustafar | Wookieepedia | Fandom

Your swords, please.

We don't want to make a mess of things

in front of the chancellor.

You won't get away

this time, Dooku.

I've been lookingforward to this.

My powers have doubled since

the last time we met, Count.

Good. Twice the pride,

double the fall.

See Full List On


I sensegreat fear in you, Skywalker.

You have hate.

You have anger.

But you don't use them.

Good, Anakin. Good.

Kill him.

Kill him now.

I shouldn't.

Do it.

You did well, Anakin.